Some Svelte components are here:
- Book
- Calendar
- Console
- ContextMenu
- Floor
- JsonView
- Marquee
- ListView
- Layout
- FlexBox
- Bubble
- Card: Normal and Foldable
- MenuBar: A menu bar for the top of the window
- PopUp
- Alert: A popup for displaying alert messages to the user
- Confirm: A popup for getting user confirmation on certain actions
- Info: A popup for displaying information to the user
- Prompt: A popup for getting user input
- Custom: A popup for displaying arbitrary content
- ScrollingText: 'Star Wars Intro' like scrolling text
- Splitter
- StackPanel: A wrapper for FlexBox to make it easier to use
- Tab
- ToggleGroup: ex.> RadioButton group, TabButton group
- TreeView
- WebView