node-stats Svelte Themes

Node Stats

Gather results of running commands on all nodes and display using svelte

Node Stats

Simple project for investigating/learning a bit of svelte and rust.

The idea is to run various commands on each node exposing the results using a daemon set running a web end point. Two simple backend implementations exist, one using node and the other rust (tide). See backend-node and backend-rust respectively.

A simple svelte frontend is provided to show results collected from each node. See frontend.

Commands to run

These are specifed in an input json file containing a list of key -> command entries; commands are run to produce the value to be displayed in the frontend. See commands.json.

One of the commands should have the key name, it's value will be used as the node name when unpacking on the frontend.


Dockerfiles are provided for the rust backend and the frontend.

DaemonSet, Deployment and Service definitions are provided for the following:

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