file-tree-navigator Svelte Themes

File Tree Navigator

Svelte project which creates a tree like file structure

You can access the Filetree Navigator App and the File Folder Tree Component using the following links:

App Link
Main App
Web Component

Filetree Navigator App

The Filetree Navigator App is a web application that allows users to log in and visualise a file folder tree structure. It consists of a login page and a web component that displays the file tree.


Enter any name and password to login


Web component location

Web component JS is placed inside src/lib/ System JS was not used because of CORS error

Setup Locally

To use the Filetree Navigator App or integrate the File Folder Tree Component into your project, follow these steps:

  1. git clone
  2. cd file-tree-navigator
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev

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