

Sveltekit Since 1999 Incompar has been designing shade on the Balearic Islands, the Spanish Mainland and the Canary Islands.

Since 1999 Incompar has been designing shade on the Balearic Islands, the Spanish Mainland, and the Canary Islands. Whether you have a precise idea about your sail, where you need shade or are absolutely not sure how to shade your chosen location, we are your experts. We advise you on-site and create a fixed price offer including a 3D visualization and shadow progression-free of charge.

Tech Stack

  • SvelteKit
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Vercel


  • 🌏 i18n Multi-Language (de,en, es soon-ish) powered by sveltekit-i18n
  • 🖼️ Automatic Gallery generation & image optimization (viteImagemin)
  • 🎨 Handcrafted Design
// import all images from a given path
const importedImages = import.meta.globEager('$assets/sunsquare/tri/gallery/*.jpg');
// transform imports to a useable array of slides - each entry can be used as img.src
const slides = Object.entries(importedImages).map((i) => i[1].default);


I wanted to give the Editor an easy-ish interface for editing translations without me fiddling with text files.

It is automatically generated from src/lib/translations/translations.ts Not perfect but it got the job done :)

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