
Lucia Sveltekit With Prisma

Minimal setup of `lucia-sveltekit` and `prisma`


This repository is an example for setting up lucia-sveltekit with prisma, using planetscale as it's database host.

Currently, requests which are validated with auth.validateRequest(request) error with AUTH_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN.


  1. Setup a planetscale database and copy the Prisma connection instructions to a .env file.
  2. npm i && npx prisma db push && npx prisma generate
  3. npm run dev
  4. Create an account
  5. Home route / should return User data after authenticated, instead returns AUTH_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN error.


This is a minimal setup following the email & password directions from lucia-sveltekit's Email and Password guide + lucia-sveltekit's Prisma Adapter guide. I first encountered this issue in another project with more complexity, and wanted to see if I could reproduce it in a minimal environment.

The project has 3 pages, and 3 api routes. The API routes are the following:

  • /api/sign-up: Handles user sign up

  • /api/login: Handles user login

  • /api/check-auth: Simple endpoint which will call auth.validateRequest(request) and either return validateRequest's return value or an error message.

The pages are as follows:

  • /sign-up: Allows user to sign up, redirects to / on success

  • /login: Allows user to login, redirects to / on success

  • /: Calls the /api/check-auth endpoint and renders the response data

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