Svelte SSG

DogApp is a toy project designed to demonstrate how to deploy a SvelteKit app as a static site. This requires modifying the default build process to support Static Site Generation (SSG). This project is also on gh pages.

Current Versions Used:

  • Svelte 5
  • SvelteKit 2

Additional Resources: For detailed guidance on configuring the project as a static website, refer to the official SvelteKit documentation:

(1) Install dependencies

Create a svelte project (if necessary)

npx sv create dogs

Install the static adapter

npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-static


Create a file +layout.js with the content:

// This can be false if you're using a fallback (i.e. SPA mode)
export const prerender = true;


Configure the static adapter, edit svelte.config.js and replace the content to:

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            pages: 'build',
            assets: 'build',
            fallback: undefined,
            precompress: false,
            strict: true
export default config;


Instructions for Deploying This Project to GitHub Pages

Follow these steps only if you plan to deploy this project on GitHub Pages:

  1. Enable GitHub Pages: Go to your repository's settings and navigate to Settings > Pages. Enable GitHub Pages for your project.
  2. Update svelte.config.js Edit the svelte.config.js file to configure the paths property with your project's name. For example:
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
    kit: {
        paths: {
            base: process.argv.includes('dev') ? '' : `/dogs`  // <= project name
        adapter: adapter({
            pages: 'build',
            assets: 'build',
            fallback: undefined,
            precompress: false,
            strict: true
export default config;

Workflow Instructions

This step is only required if you plan to automate the build process using GitHub Actions.

  1. Review the deploy.yml File:

    • Open the deploy.yml file and customize it as needed to align with your project’s requirements.
  2. Verify the Default Branch:

    • The default branch in the configuration is set to master. If your repository uses a different default branch (e.g., main), make sure to update the branch reference in the deploy.yml file.

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