
Freestyle Astro Svelte Template

freestyle-astro-svelte-template is a cloud platform in early development that replaces traditional databases with persistent javascript objects. Write code as if your data is in memory and never think about it's underlying storage mechanisms again. We'll statically and dynamically optimize your code to make efficient queries inside our cloudstate environment.

<script context="module" lang="ts">
  import { cloudstate, useCloudState } from "freestyle-sh";

  // The @cloudstate decorator makes this class's data persistent.
  // Data can only be augmented and retrieved through the class's
  // methods. There's nothing you have to do for your data to be
  // saved, it's automatically saved for you.
  export class CloudCounter {
    value = 0;
    increment() {
      return ++this.value;
    getCount() {
      return this.value;

<script lang="ts">
  export let count = 0;

  // Creates a singleton instance of Counter if one doesn't exist
  // and returns an async wrapper around it. Your methods are executed
  // and optimized inside your cloudstate database, not in your
  // web server or frontend app.
  const counter = useCloudState(CloudCounter);

  on:click={() => {
    // Call a method on counter from anywhere in your backend or
    // frontend code to update the state in the cloud.
    // (Authentication for frontend coming soon.)
    counter.increment().then((c) => {
      count = c;
  this button has been clicked {count} times

Astro is the web framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce. To learn more, visit their documentation

Developing Locally

Please note that cloudstate is not persistent during local development.

install dependencies

npm i

run the development server

npm run dev

Ready to Deploy

build your project

npm run build

log into freestyle using github

npx freestyle-sh@latest login

deploy to (beta)

npx freestyle-sh@latest deploy

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