svelte-nestjs-sqlite Svelte Themes

Svelte Nestjs Sqlite

Machine local enviroment

Information Important

  1. Project structure
  2. Frontend
  3. Backend
  4. documentación
  5. tarea
  6. dockerized
  7. kubernetes
  8. local
  9. test coverage

Project Structure

The structure of this project defined by folders with specific purpose

    Directorio: C:\laragon\www\fullstack\svelte-nestjs-sqlite

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        28-05-2024     12:24                .db
d-----        29-05-2024      3:29                .github
d-----        02-06-2024     23:22                api
d-----        29-05-2024      0:30                app
d-----        29-05-2024      3:31                scripts
-a----        28-05-2024      9:50             88 .gitignore
-a----        29-05-2024      2:32            642 api-server.yaml
-a----        29-05-2024      0:35           2704 docker-compose.yaml
-a----        29-05-2024      2:03            792 ingress-route.yaml
-a----        29-05-2024      2:03             58 namespace.yaml
-a----        28-05-2024      8:22            981 nginx.conf
-a----        29-05-2024      3:53           1739
-a----        29-05-2024      2:46            910 sqlite3.yaml
-a----        29-05-2024      2:24            713 svelte-app.yaml
-a----        29-05-2024      2:03            841 traefik.yaml


The structure of this project defined by folders with specific purpose

    Directorio: C:\laragon\www\fullstack\svelte-nestjs-sqlite\app

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        29-05-2024      0:30                .svelte-kit
d-----        28-05-2024      9:24                .vscode
d-----        28-05-2024      9:25                node_modules
d-----        28-05-2024      9:25                src
d-----        28-05-2024      9:25                static
-a----        28-05-2024      7:28             50 .dockerignore
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            160 .eslintignore
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            591 .eslintrc.cjs
-a----        27-05-2024     20:37            132 .gitignore
-a----        27-05-2024     20:37             19 .npmrc
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41             81 .prettierignore
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            205 .prettierrc
-a----        28-05-2024     11:57             67
-a----        29-05-2024      0:17           1649 dockerfile
-a----        28-05-2024      7:24            213 nginx.conf
-a----        28-05-2024      6:27         164638 package-lock.json
-a----        29-05-2024      0:30           1472 package.json
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41             75 postcss.config.cjs
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            942
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            740 svelte.config.js
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            585 tailwind.config.ts
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            649 tsconfig.json
-a----        27-05-2024     20:41            213 vite.config.ts


The structure of this project defined by folders with specific purpose

    Directorio: C:\laragon\www\fullstack\svelte-nestjs-sqlite\api

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        02-06-2024     23:43                .db
d-----        28-05-2024      9:43                .git
d-----        02-06-2024     23:22                dist
d-----        31-05-2024     13:54                node_modules
d-----        29-05-2024     13:19                src
d-----        28-05-2024      9:50                test
d-----        31-05-2024     14:19                uploads
-a----        28-05-2024     12:19             20 .env
-a----        27-05-2024     17:28            688 .eslintrc.js
-a----        27-05-2024     17:29            686 .gitignore
-a----        27-05-2024     17:28             54 .prettierrc
-a----        28-05-2024     11:57             71
-a----        28-05-2024     12:40            905 dockerfile
-a----        27-05-2024     17:28            179 nest-cli.json
-a----        31-05-2024     13:54         434872 package-lock.json
-a----        31-05-2024     13:54           2658 package.json
-a----        27-05-2024     17:34           4186
-a----        27-05-2024     17:28            101
-a----        27-05-2024     19:04            628 tsconfig.json


Swagger: http://localhost:3000/api


Pequeña API en TypeScript, usando SQLite que permita agregar:

1. Frutas y sus distintos tipos de Variedades.
2. Cosechas.
3. Agricultores y sus distintos Campos.
4. Clientes.

docker compose

  1. docker network create onesta
  2. cd /app
  3. docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t svelte-app .
  4. cd ..
  5. cd /api
  6. docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t nestjs-app .
  7. cd ..
  8. docker-compose up --build
  9. docker-compose down


  1. kind create cluster --name onesta-cluster
  • kubectl config current-context
  • kubectl config get-contexts
  • kubectl config use-context
  1. cd /app

  2. docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t svelte-app .

  3. cd ..

  4. cd /api

  5. docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t nestjs-app .

  6. cd ..

  7. kind load docker-image nestjs-app --name onesta-cluster

  8. kind load docker-image svelte-app --name onesta-cluster

  9. kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml

  10. kubectl apply -f sqlite3.yaml

  11. kubectl apply -f api-server.yaml

  12. kubectl apply -f svelte-app.yaml

  13. kubectl apply -f traefik.yaml

  14. kubectl apply -f ingress-route.yaml

  15. kubectl get pods -n onesta

kubectl describe pod <pod-name> --namespace onesta

List resources in a namespace:
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl get deployments
- kubectl get statefulsets
- kubectl get daemonsets
- kubectl get services
- kubectl get configmaps
- kubectl get secrets
- kubectl get ingress



cd api

npm install

npm run start:dev

Swagger: http://localhost:3000/api


cd app

npm install

npm run dev

test coverage

run npm run test:watch for start all test into backend run npm run test:cov for start all test coverage

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