svelte-embed Svelte Themes

Svelte Embed

Svelte embed

This is a basic template project for a Svelte app that can be embedded in another page using an iframe and the iframe-resizer library.

The iframe creation and init code is wrapped to allow embedding using a single <script> tag.

Getting started

npm install
npm run dev


<script> tag / dynamic embed sizing

To embed this project in another page, deploy the project and add the following script tag to the page you want to embed the app in:

<script async src="https://<your_deployed_domain>/embed.js"></script>

For example:

<script async src=""></script>

<iframe> tag / fixed embed sizing

In cases where <script> tags are not allowed it is not possible to resize the iframe to fit its content, but you can still embed using an <iframe> tag directly, fixing the dimensions in the style attribute. For example:

<iframe src="" style="border: none; width: 500px; height: 400px"></iframe>


This project should deploy to Vercel as-is, with no additional configuration, but you can also deploy to any other static hosting provider.


This uses an iframe resizer to allow the embedded app to resize the iframe to fit its content. embed.js does the following:

  1. Creates an iframe with a unique id
  2. Sets default styles: border: none; width: 100%;
  3. Sets the iframe src (defaults to /, or the value of data-src if it exists, relative to the domain the script is hosted on)
  4. Adds the iframe to the page before the script tag
  5. Adds an event listener to the iframe to initialize iframe-resizer library on load

From here, iframe-resizer will handle resizing the height of the iframe in the parent page to fit the content of the embed.

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