svelte-atproto-client-oauth Svelte Themes

Svelte Atproto Client Oauth

svelte atproto client oauth demo

this is a scaffold for how to get client side oauth working with sveltekit and atproto using the @atcute/oauth-browser-client library.

useful when you want people to login to your static sveltekit site.

how to install

either clone this repo

  1. clone this repo
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm run dev
  4. go to
  5. for deployment change the SITE_URL variable in src/lib/oauth/const.ts (e.g. for github pages: and set your base in svelte.config.js (e.g. for github pages: base: '/your-repo-name/')

or manually install in your own project

  • copy the src/lib/oauth folder into your own project
  • also copy the src/routes/client-metadata.json folder into your project
  • add the following to your src/routes/+layout.svelte
    import { initClient } from '$lib/oauth';

    onMount(() => {

{@render children()}

how to use

login flow

Either use the LoginModal component to render a login modal or use the client object to handle the login flow yourself.

// handlin login flow yourself
import { client } from '$lib/oauth';

// methods:
client.login(handle); // login the user
client.isLoggedIn; // check if the user is logged in
client.logout(); // logout the user

LoginModal is a component that renders a login modal, add it for a quick login flow.

    import { LoginModal, loginModalState } from '$lib/oauth';

<LoginModal />

<button onclick={() =>}>Show Login Modal</button>

make requests

Get the user's profile and make requests with the client.rpc object.

import { client } from '$lib/oauth';

// get the user's profile
const profile = client.profile;

// make requests with the client.rpc object
const response = await client.rpc.request({
    type: 'get',
    nsid: 'app.bsky.feed.getActorLikes',
    params: {
        actor: client.profile?.did,
        limit: 10

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