cognito-auth-svelte Svelte Themes

Cognito Auth Svelte

Amazon cognito identities js wrapped in Svelte components to accelerate implementation.

Cognito Auth

This library provides components and methods to allow a fast implementation of AWS Cognito authentication in Svelte applications.

It's optimized to work on the frontend!


npm i cognito-auth-svelte


First of all, initiate the auth stores using the initAuth method at the root +layout.svelte file:

<script lang="ts">
    import { initAuth } from 'cognito-auth';

    const userPoolId = '...',
        clientId = '...';

    initAuth(userPoolId, clientId);

<slot />

Note that you can store your credentials at an .env file using VITE_ as a prefix on your variable names so they can be processed at compile time:

# .env
<!-- +layout.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
    import { initAuth } from 'cognito-auth';

    const userPoolId = import.meta.env.VITE_USERPOOL_ID,
        clientId = import.meta.env.VITE_CLIENT_ID;

    initAuth(userPoolId, clientId);

<slot />


Then, you can start using the library's custom components:

<script lang="ts">
    import { SignIn } from 'cognito-auth';

    // ...

    <span slot="username">Your Username</span>
    <span slot="password">Your Password</span>
    <span slot="submit">
        {#if loading}
            Sign In

If needed, you can also access the authStore store to retrieve specific user data, available when the user is authenticated.

Available components

Component Usage
AuthGuard Set at any +layout.svelte file to protect its child pages from unauthenticated users.
SignIn Lets users sign into your Cognito Userpool.
SignUp Lets users sign up to your Cognito Userpool.
ConfirmSignUp Used to send confirmation codes. Requires a username!
ResetPassword Allows users to change their password when required to. Use when users are created via Admin API.
ChangePassword Allows users to change their password when authenticated. If prompted by Cognito, prefer ResetPassword.
ForgotPassword Allows users to start the "forgot password" flow. Users must be confirmed and have a verified email or SMS attribute.
SignOut Signs users out of your Cognito Userpool.

Some of those components emit custom events: | Component | Submit | Success | Error | Finally | Other | | --------- | ------ | ------- | ----- | ------- | ----- | | AuthGuard |❌|✅|✅|✅|❌| | SignIn |✅|✅|✅|✅|passwordReset| | SignUp |✅|✅|✅|✅|❌| | ConfirmSignUp |✅|✅|✅|✅|❌| | ResetPassword |✅|✅|✅|✅|❌| | ChangePassword |✅|✅|✅|✅|❌| | ForgotPassword* |✅|✅|✅|✅|❌| | SignOut |✅|✅|✅|✅|❌|

* ForgotPassword has duplicated events as it handles both the new password request and confirmation. This events are prefixed with request and confirm, respectively. E.g.: requestSuccess and confirmSuccess.

Available methods (@ authStore)

Method Usage
signUp $authStore.signUp(username: string, password: string, attributes?: ICognitoUserAttributeData[]))
confirmSignUp $authStore.confirmSignUp(username: string, confirmationCode: string)
resendConfirmationCode $authStore.resendConfirmationCode(username: string)
signIn $authStore.signIn(username: string, password: string)
passwordResetChallenge $authStore.passwordResetChallenge(username: string, oldPassword: string, newPassword: string)
signOut $authStore.signOut(global = false)
getAttributes $authStore.getAttributes()
updateAttributes $authStore.updateAttributes(attributes: ICognitoUserAttributeData[])
changePassword $authStore.changePassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string)
forgotPassword $authStore.forgotPassword(username: string)
confirmPassword $authStore.confirmPassword(username: string, code: string, newPassword: string)
deleteUser $authStore.deleteUser()


This library aims to keep things simple and provide functionality over all things.

It might provide some minimal styles using TailwindCSS classes to streamline its implementation into your application.

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