
Quiz Yourself

Simple quiz builder written in Svelte. Provide your own data and the quiz does the rest.

Quiz Yourself

Simple quiz builder written in Svelte. You supply the questions and answers and the app does the rest.

Getting Started


After you've cloned the project will need to create a folder under src called data with a file called questions.js. This is editable in the code obviously but this is the default state.


The questions.js file should export an array with questions formatted like this:

export const questions = [
        questionID: "8b91878f-1127-4d01-8212-a71dbed01897",
        questionType: "single-answer",
        questionText: "What is your favorite type of cuisine? (Thanks ChatGPT)",
        answerOptions: [
            { value: "A", text: "A. Italian" },
            { value: "B", text: "B. Mexican" },
            { value: "C", text: "C. Chinese" },
            { value: "D", text: "D. Japanese" },
            { value: "E", text: "E. Indian" },
            { value: "F", text: "F. American" },
    answerValue: [ "A" ]

Install dependencies and run development server

From the project directory:

# Install dependencies
npm install

# start the development server
npm run dev


  1. Add data persistence for both questions and statistics
  2. Add statistics: times viewed, times answered, % of right/wrong answers
  3. Add search/filtering for questions based on statistics

Bootstrapped with create-svelte.

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