framework-apalooza Svelte Themes

Framework Apalooza

Single app made from four frameworks, as a demonstration of each: React, Svelte, Angular and Vue, all in one front-end app.


This is a single app build from four frameworks, as a demonstration of each: React, Svelte, Angular and Vue, all in one front-end app.

Project Purpose

The project is inteneded to demonstrate proficiency with NPM and Node.js build tools as well as the ins-and-outs of various popular frameworks, and show how they can all play nice together when they arrive in the browser. Each app has a different methodology and different development style, but all share common goals and common outcomes. As the project matures I intend to blog extensively about my experience building the same functionality with differnet frameworks.

Runtime Composition

The public directory contains what will be served to users. With a file for each app named <name>-app.js for each framework. These scripts are loaded when the user clicks on the tab for that frameworks app.

Build System

The build system starts with which calls npm run build in each framework-app's directory. Each npm pipeline generates JavaScript files in their respective public directory. The script then pulls them into the outer public directory. For example react-app/public/app.js becomes public/react-app.js and angular-app/public/polyfill.js becomes /public/angular-polyfill.js.


The build system(s) for each framework are functioning, with an example application written in each on the way.

Code Organization

This is the way the apps are laid out in the project.

  • This is the build system written in Python
  • public: These files are served to users a the browser.
  • react-app: Contains the React app and Node.js, TypeScript and WebPack build configuration
  • svelte-app: Contains the Svelte app and Node.js, TypeScript and Vite based rollup build configuration
  • angular-app: Contains the Svelte app and Node.js, TypeScript and Angular build configuration
  • vue-app: Contains the Vue app and Node.js, TypeScript and Vite build configuration

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