femto-full-stack Svelte Themes

Femto Full Stack

Quickly build web application stack based on FastAPI and SQLite for the backend and Svelte and Tailwindcss for the frontend.

Femto Full Stack Project Generator

Quickly build web application stack (for prototyping - but not only - or for learning concepts) based on FastAPI and SQLite for the backend and Svelte and Tailwindcss for the frontend.


My needs: experiments and learn ! From this template, I spent many hours analyzing tons of code and reading thousands of pages of documentation to better understand the concepts! So, I decided to simplify as much as possible and only keep what I needed. Here is the partial result! I hope my work will help you!

Note on partial result: As backend is “complete” (remove code is easy!), frontend is'nt! Due to the complete rewrite from Vue/Vuetify to Svelte/Tailwind.

Important note: For now, the backend code is completely copied from the original model. It's a form of plagiarism, but as I learn, I would try to be creative!

App Features

In his near future state, this model will offer some basic, but still important features:

As "super" admin:

  • I want to list registered users
  • I want to update my profile
  • I want to update user profile
  • I want to deactivate an user
  • I want to change user role
  • I want to update app settings

As "normal" user:

  • I want to Register a new account if authorized by app
  • I want to log in
  • I want to see my profile details
  • I want to update my profile
  • I want to change my password
  • I want to recover my password if I lost it

Technical Features

  • Backend
    • FastAPI: “FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production”.
    • SQLite: “SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine”.
    • SQLAlchemy: “SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL”.
  • Frontend
    • Svelte: “Svelte is a new way to build web applications. It's a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM”.
    • Tailwindcss: “A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces”.
  • Tools
    • Cookiecutter : “A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates)”.
    • Poetry: “Python packaging and dependency management made easy”.
    • nvm: “A node version manager”.

Template Folder Structure

├── README.md
├── cookiecutter.json                  # Prompts and default values
├── hooks                              # Pre/post-generate hook scripts
└── {{cookiecutter.project_blueprint}} # Project template
    ├── README.md                      # Project-level README
    ├── backend
    └── frontend

How to use it

Before starting, you should have python3, poetry and nvm globally installed.

Open your favorite terminal, go to your base project directory then run:

pip install cookiecutter # Once!
cookiecutter https://github.com/ffvpor/femto-full-stack.git

Input variables

  • project_name: The name of the project.
  • project_blueprint : Used for project directory. By default, based on project_name
  • project_short_description: Few words about your project.
  • domain_main: For future project deployment in production.
  • backend_cors_origins: Enabled domains (Origin) for CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) to allow communication between backend and frontend.
  • secret_key: Used by backend to "protect" sensible data.
  • first_superuser: Act as administrator to manage users and app.
  • first_superuser_password: Administrator password, as strong as possible.
  • sqlalchemy_database_uri: The connection string to SQLite. By default, "sqlite:///./app/app.db".

Use command below in another terminal to generate password and secret keys as asked:

$ openssl rand -hex 32
# Outputs something like:
# c3cbd330748fa67f39989b601ba04411164153646c9b5445c65cf5404580b2dc


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