a static web app and Node library template with TypeScript, Svelte, SvelteKit, Vite, esbuild, Fuz, and Gro
npm uninstall @ryanatkn/fuz
and delete the imports@ryanatkn/eslint-config
This project uses SvelteKit with the static adapter
and Vite,
so the normal commands like vite dev
work as expected.
It also uses Gro
for tasks like deploying and more.
⚠️ Important, this template is designed for public open source projects.
Its package.json
has "public": true
by default,
which tells Gro
to publish the package.json
and a map of its src/
to static/.well-known/
during the build.
This can leak sensitive information if you are not careful ⚠️
To disable the feature, edit package.json:
// package.json
- "public": true, // remove this to disable the public `.well-known` files
+ "private": true, // if you want to disable npm publishing, add this
Windows will not be suported supported because I chose Bash instead - WSL works
If you're logged into GitHub, click "Use this template" above or clone with
npx degit ryanatkn/fuz_template cooltoy
cd cooltoy
npm i
# then
vite dev
# or
npm run dev
# or
gro dev # npm i -g @ryanatkn/gro
gro sync # called by `gro dev`, refreshes generated files and calls `svelte-kit sync`
The template includes
so it can deploy
with no further configuration.
To learn how to swap it out for another deployment target, see
the SvelteKit adapter docs.
To make it your own, change @ryanatkn/fuz_template
and template.fuz.dev
to your project name in the following files:
and .github/FUNDING.ymlThen run npm i
to update package-lock.json
Optionally add a license file
and package.json
value, like "license": "MIT"
npm run build
# or
gro build
See Gro's build docs for more.
npm test
# or
gro test
gro test filepattern1 filepatternB
gro test -- uvu --forwarded_args 'to uvu'
See uvu,
and Gro's test docs for more.
(build, commit, and push) to the deploy
branch, e.g. for GitHub Pages:
npm i -D @sveltejs/package # enables Gro's library plugin by default
npm run deploy
# or
gro deploy
Svelte ∙ SvelteKit ∙ Vite ∙ esbuild ∙ uvu ∙ TypeScript ∙ ESLint ∙ Prettier ∙ Moss ∙ Fuz ∙ Gro ∙ @ryanatkn/belt ∙ Zod ∙ & more