Sveltesse : Quarkus + Svelte demo

This is a sample project using Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework with a Svelte JS frontend (in Typescript).

Running the application in dev mode in VS Code

Start by running the build task (Shift+Ctrl+B or Shift+Cmd+B on Mac), to watch .svelte file changes and recompile them on the fly. Compiled javascript and css files are copied to src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/build, where Quarkus serves static files from.

Launch Debug Quarkus Application from the debug view and open http://localhost:8080/


Svelte files in src/main/svelte will be recompiled on save. If your browser is equipped with a LiveReload plugin, the main page will refresh automagically.

Regular Quarkus dev mode experience applies. Any changes to the backend will be refreshed on the next HTTP request.

Once I figure out how to make a proper problem matcher for the svelte:watch task (in .vscode/tasks.json), it'll be triggered automatically along with the debugger.


Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file.

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