svelte-task-manager Svelte Themes

Svelte Task Manager

A simple, lightweight task manager built with Svelte, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. Features task creation, completion toggling, deletion, LocalStorage persistence, and dark mode.

Svelte Task Manager


This is a simple Task Manager application built with Svelte, a lightweight front-end framework. This project explores Svelte's reactivity, component structure, and state management while following best practices in frontend architecture.

Why Svelte?

Unlike React or Vue, Svelte compiles code at build time, eliminating the need for a virtual DOM. This results in faster performance and smaller bundle sizes. This project was an opportunity to explore:

  • Svelte's reactivity and stores
  • Component-based architecture
  • Local state management without excessive prop drilling

Technologies & Libraries Used

  • Svelte (Frontend framework)
  • Tailwind CSS (Utility-first CSS framework for styling)
  • FontAwesome (For icons, replacing checkboxes and buttons)
  • TypeScript (For type safety and maintainability)
  • LocalStorage (For persisting tasks across page reloads)

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── assets/             # Static assets (icons, images, etc.)
│   ├── components/         # UI Components
│   │   ├── DarkModeToggle.svelte # Dark mode toggle switch
│   │   ├── TaskEntry.svelte      # Task input field
│   │   ├── TaskList.svelte       # List of tasks
│   │   ├── TaskListItem.svelte   # Individual task item
│   ├── models/            # TypeScript interfaces/models
│   │   ├── Task.ts        # Task model definition
│   │   ├── TaskStatus.ts  # Enum for task statuses
│   ├── repositories/      # Repository pattern for data management
│   │   ├── ITaskRepository.ts            # Interface for task storage
│   │   ├── LocalStorageTaskRepository.ts # Concrete implementation using LocalStorage
│   ├── services/          # Business logic layer
│   │   ├── TaskService.ts # Handles task operations (add, remove, toggle status)
│   ├── styles/            # Styling files
│   │   ├── app.css        # Global Tailwind styles
│   ├── App.svelte         # Root application component
│   ├── main.ts            # Entry point for the application
├── public/                # Static files
├── package.json           # Project dependencies & scripts
├── tailwind.config.ts     # Tailwind configuration
├── vite.config.ts         # Vite configuration

Design Patterns Used

  • Repository Pattern (repositories/)

    • Abstracts data storage implementation.
    • ITaskRepository.ts defines a contract for task storage, allowing multiple implementations like LocalStorage or future database-backed repositories.
    • LocalStorageTaskRepository.ts implements the repository for LocalStorage.
  • Service Layer (TaskService.ts)

    • Centralizes business logic related to tasks.
    • Calls the repository layer to persist data.
  • Component-Based UI (components/)

    • Breaks the UI into small, reusable components.
    • Ensures maintainability and separation of concerns.

How to Run the Project Locally


Make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js v16+
  • npm (comes with Node.js)

Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd svelte-task-manager
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run dev
  4. Open the application in your browser:



Add tasks
Mark tasks as complete/incomplete
Delete tasks
Persist tasks using LocalStorage
Dark Mode toggle
Responsive UI with Tailwind CSS

Future Improvements

  • Implement a backend API for persistence.
  • Add drag-and-drop functionality for reordering tasks.
  • Improve animations and transitions in the UI.


This project is open-source and free to use.

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