

A responsive to-do list with back-end using Flask and front-end using SvelteKit. It uses a local database

Distributed To-Do List

A responsive to-do list with back-end using Flask and front-end using SvelteKit

How to run

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install the dependencies

    npm install
  3. Run the backend

    python -m flask --app main.py run
  4. Run the frontend

    npm run dev
  5. Open the browser and run the website on your localhost

  6. Enjoy!


The themes used are based on daisyUI, a Tailwind CSS plugin.

The theme can be changed by changing the data-theme variable in src/app.html, the best ones are dracula, valentine, winter, lemonade, cupcake and emerald.

Desktop Page Preview

Main page

Add and edit task

Delete task

Mobile Page Preview

Main page

Add and edit task

Delete task

Top categories

Loading Svelte Themes