Svelte blueprint 🏗️

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Svelte-blueprint reads svelte files placed in a path known as source and then creates svelte files based on a template in the dst path


$ npm i -D svelte-blueprint

Svelte adjustments

The .svelte files inside source path should have extra comments.

  • To set description add:

    <!--D Description of the component -->
  • To add a description of a prop just add a single line comment next to it's definition.

    export let name // Name string
  • To set usage example add:
    If you need to add quote marks use single ones ' '

        <Component  />

Generate blueprints

To generate the blueprint files you can use a plugin for specific module bundlers or use the cli.




$ svelte-blueprint

|Short|Long|Default|Description| Type| |--|--|--|--|--| ||--help||Shows help| [bool] ||--version || Shows the version | [bool] |-s | --source |src/Components| Source path of components |[string] |-d | --dst | Blueprints |Destination path for blueprints | [string] |-w | --watch | false | Should watch for changes in source |[bool] |-t | --template | svelte-blueprint/templates/Blueprint.svelte | Path of a template for the output page |[string]


By default, the genrated Blueprint file uses a Blueprint Component contained in this library.

You can customize the colors of that template or use your own template.

These are the variables you may want to override to match your own style.

 :global(:root) {
    --svelte-blueprint-background: transparent;
    --svelte-blueprint-color: #3e3e3e;
    --svelte-blueprint-accent: #55c1ff;
    --svelte-blueprint-table-border: #e7e7e7;
    --svelte-blueprint-table-background: #fff;
    --svelte-blueprint-table-hover: #eaeaea;
    --svelte-blueprint-table-header-color: #fff;

If you need to use your own template this are the svelete slots you should define:

<slot name='description' > 
    Component description
<slot name='props'>
    Component properties
<slot name='example'>
    Component example

Also you may want to use these props:


For a better understanding, checkout the default template


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