weather-app Svelte Themes

Weather App

Weather App in Svelte that calls and handles a RESTful API

Weather App

Weather App in Svelte that calls and handles a RESTful API. Allows you to add a card per city.


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following commands:

npm install
npm run build

Afterwards, create a .env file in this directory with the following notation, changing 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your own key:


You can get one for free at


To preview this application, first clone the project and then simply run the following command:

npm run preview


In order to deploy it, you can either set the host and port in build/index.js and run:

node build

or set the the host and port when running the command itself:

HOST= PORT=4000 node build # example

For more information on deploying using SvelteKit using a Node server, check out this link.

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