svelte-utility-stores Svelte Themes

Svelte Utility Stores

Some utility svelte stores


Some utility svelte stores

Version 2 removed array, map and set since svelte 5 has built-in support for them.


npm i -D @eslym/svelte-utility-stores
yarn add -D @eslym/svelte-utility-stores


Local Storage and Session Storage stores

Stores which read from and write to the Storage objects, could be localStorage or sessionStorage, the store will aware to the call of Storage#setItem, Storage#removeItem, Storage#clear and even the storage event of windows.

In SSR, the store returned will just be a regular writable store.

<script lang="ts">
    import { local } from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores";
    // or
    import local from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/local";

    const token = local('token');

<script lang="ts">
    import { session } from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores";
    // or
    import session from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/session";

    const token = session('token');


Stringify store

<script lang="ts">
    import { stringify } from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores";
    // or
    import stringify from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/stringify";

    import superjson from 'superjson';

    // serialize to local storage with the 'token' key using superjson
    const token = stringify<{ token: string; expires: Date; }>(superjson, local('token'));


JSON store

<script lang="ts">
    import { json } from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores";
    // or
    import json from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/json";

    // serialize to local storage with the 'token' key using json
    const token = json<{ token: string; expires: string; }>(local('token'));


[!CAUTION] The json function is now taking a function for a fallback value instead of the value itself.


Create a pair of stores which for masking, the display store will return the masked value when the value store is undefined (unchanged), useful for password input field.

<script lang="ts">
    import { masked } from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores";
    // or
    import masked from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/masked";

    const { value: password, display: passwordDisplay } = masked();

    $inspect([$passwordDisplay, $password]);

<form method="post">
    {#if $password !== undefined}
        <input type="hidden" name="passwordUpdate" bind:value={$password} />
    <input type="password" bind:value={$passwordDisplay}/>
    <button disabled={$password === undefined}>Update</button>
    <button type="button" onclick={() => $password = undefined}>Reset</button>

Reactivity (requires svelte >= 5.7.0)

Wrap a value or svelte store into a reactive property descriptor which can be used in Object.defineProperty to create reactive object.

<script lang="ts">
    // can only import from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/reactivity"
    import { wrapValue, wrapStore } from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/reactivity";

    import local from "@eslym/svelte-utility-stores/local";

    let obj = Object.defineProperties({}, {
        value: wrapValue('Hello, World!'),
        store: wrapStore(local('some-example')),

<!-- Svelte will gives warning but these will works just fine  -->
<input type="text" bind:value={obj.value} />
<input type="text" bind:value={} />

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