rollup-svelte-4-red Svelte Themes

Rollup Svelte 4 Red

Build svelte for Node-RED with rollup

Rollup Svelte for RED

Build svelte for Node-RED with rollup, please check the example for usage.

This project is inspired by and compatible with svelte-integration-red, please check it out for svelte components.

Project Directory structure

  • package.json
  • rollup.config.js
  • src
    • nodes
      • {node-name}
        • index.{md,html} (node help)
        • index.svelte (node editor UI)
        • index.js (node main file)
    • lib (alias as $lib, only exists for back-end)
    • editor (alias as $editor, only exists for front-end)
    • shared (alias as $shared, exists for both)


Alias Path Description
$lib src/lib For back-end, the directory contains all the files that will be bundled.
$editor src/editor For front-end, the directory contains all the files that will be bundled.
$shared src/shared The directory contains all the files that will be bundled for both.
$package.json package.json The package.json file in the project root directory.
*?red-icon * Import as asset name, will auto output to icons directory.
*?red-res * Import as path for editor resource, the string will include the reousrces/${}/ prefix


This builder will auto discover all nodes in src/nodes directory, add add them into package.json in dist directorym, so anyone using this builder will need to publish the dist directory instead of the project root directory.

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