Yeah you've seen lots of modals. But have you seen a modal that returns a promise?
npm i -D svelte-promise-modal
Import as shown below
import { Modal, AlertModal, AskModal } from "svelte-promise-modal";
import { get } from "svelte/store"; // you will need this for AskModal
Create references to each components as shown below
let _modal;
let _alertmodal;
let _askmodal;
<Modal bind:this="{_modal}">
<h1>Hi! I'm a Modal!</h1>
<AlertModal bind:this="{_alertmodal}" let:confirm>
<div slot="footer">
<button on:click="{confirm}">ok</button>
<AskModal let:datastore let:confirm let:cancel bind:this="{_askmodal}">
<h1>Hi! I'm an Ask Modal!</h1>
<p>I resolve when you press confirm</p>
<input value={get(datastore).text} on:input={e => { datastore.set({ text: });
}} />
<button on:click="{cancel}">cancel</button>
<button on:click="{confirm}">confirm</button>
Open them using corresponding methods.
AlertModal and AskModal will return a promise that is fulfilled once confirm
is called.
<button on:click={}>Open Modal</button>
on:click={() => {
_alertmodal.alert(`<h1>Hi! I'm an Alert Modal!</h1>`);
Open Alert Modal
on:click={async () => {
try {
const data = await _askmodal.ask({ text: 'test' });
setTimeout(() => {
alert(`You typed: ${data.text}`);
}, 500);
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(() => {
alert(`You closed the ask modal without confirmation!`);
}, 500);
Open Ask Modal
AskModal's ask
method expects an object as its first argment. This is the default data that will be stored in the datastore
Declaring let:datastore
in the AskModal component will provide a way for its inner contents to communiate with the datastore. datastore
is a svelte store, so you should use the get
function exported from svelte/store
in order to access the default values and the set
function to edit its values. See example folder for detailed usage.