
totally unstyled barebones template for oauth in sveltekit using lucia.

get up and running

install dependencies:

npm install

run dev server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

Setting up local DB

Install Postgres

We use Postgres for our database. to run things locally, you'll need postgres installed. If you do not have it already installed, you can install it using their website here.

Ensure you install at least version 15.

Configure Postgres Database

Start your postgres server. If you are using the Postgres GUI, open the GUI and click the start button.

Create a new database named :


If you're using the Postgres GUI, double-click on an existing database to open a new terminal window, then paste and run the command.

After creating the database, update the DATABASE_URL variable in the .env file with your new database's URL. It typically follows this format:


You can find your username with the whoami command in your terminal. The port of the server should be displayed in the postgres GUI. if you're having trouble figuring out the DATABASE_URL don't worry. check in w a teammate and we'll figure it out.

Create tables in DB

use prisma to make your first migration

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

after this, i think you are good to go db wise. here are a few commands to keep nearby while you develop.

# open prisma studio to view tables and data
npx prisma studio

# push the state of Prisma schema file to the database without using migrations
npx prisma db push

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