
Svelte Stopwatch

Svelte stopwatch and countdown.


A Svelte timer component with a countdown option and events for start, sto, finished and reset of the timer.

Live demo.


npm install svelte-stopwatch


All props are optional.

Name Default Description
seconds 0 The number of seconds to count down. If no value is provided the timer will count up (stopwatch).
timeDisplayClasses '' String containing one or more classes to style the time displayed as HH:MM:SS.
startButtonClasses '' String containing one or more classes to style the start/pause button.
resetButtonClasses '' String containing one or more classes to style the time reset button.

NB: In Svelte a component's child components will not inherit its styles. The classes that are sent in to the classes props therefore need to be global. This can be acheived via Svelte's <style global> option, by CSS' global option (:global(.className) { ... }), or by adding the classes in a globa stylesheet, e.g. app.css.


Name Description
finished Timer is 0 (when using countdown timer)
started Timer has been started.
stopped Timer has been stopped.
reset Timer has been reset.

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