Provides components for interacting with Sui wallets.
SuiForge uses sui-svelte to interact with SUI wallets.
Barebones example:
<script lang="ts">
import {ConnectButton} from "sui-svelte/ConnectButton"
import {SuiModule, account, SuiModule} from "sui-svelte/SuiModule"
// (Optional) Callback to call when a Sui account is connected
const onConnect = () => {
if (account.value) {
console.log("Connected address: ", account.value.address)
<SuiModule {onConnect} />
<ConnectButton />
{#if account.value}
<div>Connected address: {account.value.address}</div>
The account object exposes the connected account.
<script lang="ts">
import { account } from "sui-svelte/SuiModule"
console.log("Is account connected?", account.value !== undefined)
if (account.value) {
console.log("Connected account object:", account.value)
console.log("Connected address:", account.value.address)
Refer to Sui guide on building transactions.
<script lang="ts">
import { signAndExecuteTransactionBlock } from "sui-svelte/SuiModule"
import { TransactionBlock } from "@mysten/sui.js/transactions"
const sendTx = () => {
const txb = new TransactionBlock()
// Create a new coin with balance 100, based on the coins used as gas payment
const [coin] = txb.splitCoins(txb.gas, [txb.pure(100)])
// Transfer the split coin to a specific address
txb.transferObjects([coin], txb.pure("0xSomeSuiAddress"))
// Execute using sui-svelte
<script lang="ts">
import { connectWithModal } from "sui-svelte/SuiModule"
Is a <button> componnet and can be customized by passing a class or styles prop.
<ConnectButton class="my-button-class" style="background: red;" />
The modal for connecting can be customized by passing a "modal" slot to the SuiModule.
You should always open the modal using the ConnectButton or the connect exported method from SuiModule, since this starts the process that ends when resolve gets called.
<script lang="ts">
import {SuiModule} from "sui-svelte/SuiModule"
import {connectModal, resolve} from "sui-svelte/ConnectModal"
import type { IWallet } from "@suiet/wallet-sdk"
// Get the wallet from the browser
func getWallet = (): IWallet => {
return suietWallet
// Call the modal resolve function with the wallet
const selectWallet = () => {
const wallet = getWallet()
// If closed, call the close method of connectModal
const onClose = () => {
<div slot="modal">
<button onclick={onClose}> Close </button>
<button onclick={selectWallet}> Select wallet </button>
Feel free to submit PRs, or issues for any doubts or feature requests.