Svelte Rectangle Picker

Check out the live demo here: Svelte Rectangle Selector Demo

A Svelte component for drawing rectangles on a container. This component allows users to click and drag to create rectangles, with configurable styles for the rectangles.


  • Draw Rectangles: Click and drag to draw rectangles on the container.
  • Customizable Styles: Configure the border and background color of the rectangles.
  • Event Handling: Receive updates on rectangle creation through a callback.


To use the RectangleSelector component in your Svelte project, follow these steps: npm i @emrahes/svelte-rectangle-selector


Basic Setup

  1. Import the Component

    Import the RectangleSelector component into your Svelte file:

    <script lang="ts">
     import { RectangleSelector, type Rectangle, type RectangleStyle } from "@emrahes/svelte-rectangle-selector";
     let rectangle: Rectangle | undefined;
      const rectangleStyle: RectangleStyle = {
        border: '2px solid red',
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)',
     function updateRectangle(newRectangle: Rectangle) {
        rectangle = newRectangle;

    Include the RectangleSelector in your Svelte template:

       <div class="rectangle-display" />
    <h3>Rectangle Data:</h3>
    {#if rectangle}
        <li>Position X: {rectangle.x}px</li>
        <li>Position Y: {rectangle.y}px</li>
        <li>Width: {rectangle.width}px</li>
        <li>Height: {rectangle.height}px</li>


  • onUpdateRectangle: (rectangle: Rectangle) => void
    Callback function that is called with the newly drawn rectangle whenever the drawing ends.

  • rectangleStyle: RectangleStyle
    An object to customize the style of the drawn rectangle:

    • border: CSS border property for the rectangle.
    • backgroundColor: CSS background color for the rectangle.


  • Svelte - The framework used to build this component.

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