svelte-data-table Svelte Themes

Svelte Data Table

Svelte data table based on Flowbite Svelte library

Svelte Data Table based on Flowbite Svelte, Flowbite Icons, and Tailwind

This data table is designed for viewing and editing data in an array of objects. It's built using the Flowbite Svelte library's Table components and works in conjunction with it, with support for custom cell editors, moving focus between cells with tab and enter, column sorting (simple and custom), conditional CSS, and more.


To add to an existing Svelte app, first install Tailwind if you haven't already:

> npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss

Then install the Flowbite components and icons along with the data table component.

> npm i flowbite-svelte flowbite flowbite-svelte-icons @emamid/svelte-data-table

Basic example

<script lang="ts">
  import DataTable from '@emamid/svelte-data-table';
  import type { ColumnConfig } from '@emamid/svelte-data-table';

  const columns: ColumnConfig[] = [
    { canSort: true, key: 'firstName', title: 'First Name' },
    { canSort: true, key: 'lastName', title: 'Last Name' },

  const items: any[] = [
    { firstName: 'Bilbo', lastName: 'Baggins'},
    { firstName: 'Frodo', lastName: 'Baggins'},
    { firstName: 'Samwise', lastName: 'Gamgee'},
    { firstName: 'Meriadoc', lastName: 'Brandybuck'},
    { firstName: 'Peregrin', lastName: 'Took'},


Examples for most of the component's features are under /examples . You can find the documentation here.

Example 1 - Basic data table

Example 2 - Table with cell focus components

Example 3 - Table with cell focus Select components, cell renderers, and custom sort

Example 4 - Table with actions and cell view components

Example 5 - Table with custom cell component

Example 6 - Table with cell and row class getter functions

Kitchen Sink example - All of the above

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