sveltekit-localstorage-store Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Localstorage Store

Store that writes to localStorage - working on svelte/kit

localStorage store for SvelteKit

Store that writes to window.localStorage - working on SvelteKit svelte/kit

Based on joshnuss/localStorageStore, but working on SvelteKit.

Making it work on sveltekit

window.localStorage isn't available on server and since SvelteKit first renders every component on the server trying to access window will make it break. To solve this - you need to check if you are in the client first. Read more in the SvelteKit Docs

Create your store

Create a Svelte store backed by window.localStorage. It will persist the store's data locally. More info: joshnuss/localStorageStore

import { writable as internal, get } from 'svelte/store'
import { browser } from '$app/env' // sveltekit environment 

export function writable(key, initialValue) {
  const store = internal(initialValue)
  const {subscribe, set} = store
  // check if in client
    const json = localStorage.getItem(key)
    if (json) { set(JSON.parse(json)) }
  return {
    set(value) {
    // check if in client
        localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
    update(cb) {
      const value = cb(get(store))


Define your store from your custom store. NOTE that it is not defined from 'svelte/store'

Then you just use this as you would use a normal svelte store - but it will persist in the browser's localStorage

import { writable } from './localStore' 

export const user = writable('user', {
  name: 'there', 
  id: 1 

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