
Library of UI components to be used in Svelte.js or standalone.

A convenient way to implement interactive Bulma components.

Available components

  • Dropdown
  • Modal
  • ModalCard
  • Navbar
  • Pagination
  • Tabs

Demo at


npm install svelte-bulma-components


Import the components you need in your Svelte project.

import {
} from 'svelte-bulma-components/module'

export default {
  components: {

And then use them like so:

  <Dropdown label="Dropdown">
    <DropdownLink href="/">A dropdown link</DropdownLink>
    <DropdownLink href="/" active>This link is active</DropdownLink>
    <DropdownLink href="/">Another link item</DropdownLink>

Don't forget to include the Bulma and Font Awesome CSS files!

For including styles, you can either place the below styles in the <head> of your template:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

Or you can import them to your webpack/rollup entry point:


Note that you'll have to install bulma and font-awesome first

An interactive dropdown menu for discoverable content. DropdownLink elements emit an onclick event with the value of the href attribute.


<Dropdown label="Dropdown">
  <DropdownItem><h5>Dropdown Item</h5>Not clickable</DropdownItem>
  <DropdownDivider />
  <DropdownLink href="/" on:click="logEvent(event)">A dropdown link</DropdownLink>
  <DropdownLink href="/" active>This link is active</DropdownLink>
  <DropdownLink href="/">Another link item</DropdownLink>


Prop Type Default Required Description
label String '' true text of dropdown label
hoverable Boolean false false open menu on hover instead of click
up Boolean false false popup instead of down
right Boolean false false align right

A classic modal overlay, in which you can include any content you want


<Modal {active} on:close="set({ active: false })">


A modal card, with a head, a body and a foot. This components emits an onclose event when closed with success or cancel as value.


<ModalCard {active} color="link" on:close="cardClosed(event)">
  <span slot="title">Modal card title</span>
  <span slot="content">
  <span slot="success">Save changes</span>
  <span slot="cancel">Cancel</span>            


Prop Type Default Required Description
color String success false color of the success button


Slot Default Required Description
title - true title of the modal dialog
content - true the content of the modal
success Submit false label of the success button
cancel Cancel false label of the cancel button

A responsive horizontal navbar that can support images, links, buttons, and dropdowns


  <!-- navbar-brand -->
  <span slot="brand">
    <NavbarItem href="#">
      <img src="/images/brand-logo.png" alt="Logo">

  <!-- navbar-start -->
    <NavbarItem href="#">Documentation</NavbarItem>
    <NavbarItem href="#">Videos</NavbarItem>
    <NavbarItem href="#">...</NavbarItem>

  <!-- navbar-end -->
      <p class="control">
        <a class="button is-info" href="#">


Prop Type Default Required Description
fixedTop Boolean false false fixes navbar to top of page
fixedBottom Boolean false false fixes navbar to bottom
color String - false background color of the navbar
transparent Boolean false false sets navbar transparency
noBodyClass Boolean false false do not add classes to <body>


A responsive, usable, and flexible pagination component.

The pagination component emits an onchange event with the selected page number.


<Pagination current="10" total="20" show="5" on:change="gotoPage(event)" />


Prop Type Default Required Description
current Number 1 false the currently active page number
total Number - true total number of pages
show Number 5 false how many page link buttons to show
transparent Boolean false false sets navbar transparency
align String - false align centered or right
rounded Boolean false false rounded buttons
size String - false sets size of pagination component
previous String Previous false set label text for previous button
next String Next page false set label text for next button


Simple responsive horizontal navigation tabs, with different styles.

Tab items emit an onclick event with the #id of the selected tab.


<TabsContainer align="centered" boxed>
  <TabItem active label="Pictures" icon="fa fa-image" on:click="setTab(event)" />
  <TabItem label="Music" on:click="setTab(event)" />
  <TabItem label="Videos" on:click="setTab(event)" />
  <TabItem label="Documents" on:click="setTab(event)" />


Prop Type Default Required Description
align String - false align centered or right
boxed Boolean false false classical, boxed tabs
size String - false sets size of pagination component
toggle Boolean false false toggle button like tabs
rounded Boolean false false rounded, can be used with toggle
fullWidth Boolean false false consume whole width available


Slot Default Required Description
default - true set of <TabItem> tabs

Custom classes (new in 0.1.4)

You can now easily add custom classes to the components by adding a regular class attribute:

<Dropdown label="My dropdown" class="my-custom-class">

NOTE: because Svelte component CSS is scoped, you'll have to add the global modifier to your CSS selectors:

:global(.my-custom-class) {

Made with Svelte

It's made with Svelte, which means you don't need any JS framework. Just use the file in the dist directory in any Javascript project.

See also


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