
Scale transition plugin for Svelte.


Recommended usage is via svelte-transitions, but you can use this module directly if you prefer. Note that it assumes an ES module or CommonJS environment.

Install with npm or yarn:

npm install --save svelte-transitions-scale

Then add the plugin to your Svelte component's exported definition:

  <input type='checkbox' bind:checked='visible'> visible

{{#if visible}}
  <!-- use `in`, `out`, or `transition` (bidirectional) -->
  <div transition:scale>hello!</div>

  import scale from 'svelte-transitions-scale';

  export default {
    transitions: { scale }


from and to are the start and end scaling factors the node will scale in from (and out to). from defaults to 0.5 and to defaults to 1:

<div in:scale='{from: 0.3}'>
  scales up from 0.3

If from is higher than to it will scale down to to accordingly.

There is also support for elements that are already scaled. Just specify the to value to the final scaling factor.

You can also specify delay and duration parameters, which default to 0 and 400 respectively, and a custom easing function (which should live on your helpers):

<div in:scale='{duration: 1000, easing: quintInOut}'>
  scales up slowly

  import scale from 'svelte-transitions-scale';
  import { quintInOut } from 'eases-jsnext';

  export default {
    helpers: { quintInOut },
    transitions: { scale }



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