tailwindcss-svero-svelte-starter Svelte Themes

Tailwindcss Svero Svelte Starter

Svelte template with tailwindcss and svero for client-side routing

Svelter starter

A starter (and explainer) for building single-page* Svelte web apps with tailwindcss for styling and svero** for client-side routing. Tried to make the UI look similar to the Sapper template. Also added comments in most files to explain what's going on.

*For proper routing during development without a backend or official routing system like Sapper, the --single flag was added to the sirv commands in scripts section of the package.json. For deployment, it's a good idea to tell your static file hosting provider (e.g. Netlify) to redirect all traffic to /index.html with a 200 response code so that the application doesn't produce a 404 when refreshed or when a specific URL is entered into the address bar.

**This isn't the only simple and lightweight client-side routing implementation for Svelte. svelte-routing is another popular option. However, for this starter it wasn't used because it's build and deploy process were a bit more complicated. Specifically, its public folder after Svelte compilation (npm run build) did not include an index.html and bundle.js but a single App.js. This requires some extra to configure with static-website deployment hosts like Netlify. Also this required extra development dependencies such as a small express server. For these reasons, svero was the simpler/faster option.


The main layout of the app can be configured in App.svelte. New routes should be created as components in the routes folder and then added to both the App.svelte and components/Nav.svelte files if you want them to appear as navigation bar links. The utils folder just stores non-component files, in this case a single file that uses Svelte store to keep track of the current route because svero does not expose it natively.

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/ejolly/tailwindcss-svero-svelte-starter

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install

Using Tailwindcss (https://tailwindcss.com/)
Using svero (https://github.com/kazzkiq/svero)

Building and Developing


npm run build


Development mode will:

  • build on file change
  • serve locally at localhost:5000
  • live reload
npm run dev


Inspired by sveltejs/template and tailwind-css-svelte-starter

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