sapper-md-netlify-cms-starter Svelte Themes

Sapper Md Netlify Cms Starter

a sapper starter with blog functionality and page content driven through markdown files and netlify cms

Archival Update

This repo is being archived as sveltekit should be used in favor of sapper as of this writing.


An expansion of the default Sapper template in the following ways:

  • blog posts are generated from markdown files in content/posts
  • pages are able to be built from markdown files in content/pages
  • netlify cms allows for editing of both blog posts and markdown source pages

Getting Started

Using degit

degit is a scaffolding tool that lets you create a directory from a branch in a repository. Use either the rollup or webpack branch in sapper-template:

npx degit "edm00se/sapper-md-netlify-cms-starter" my-app

Using GitHub Templates

Alternatively, you can use GitHub's template feature with the sapper-template-rollup repository.

Running the project

However you get the code, you can install dependencies and run the project in development mode with:

cd my-app
npm install
npm run dev

Open up localhost:3000 and start clicking around.

Consult for help getting started.

Make It Your Own

You should at a minimum update:

  • the name and description fields in package.json
  • the backend's repo and branch fields in static/admin/config.yml to ensure the netlify cms changes go the correct destination
  • the siteUrl and siteTitle in src/stores/_config.js


Sapper expects to find three directories in the root of your project — src, static, and content. The content directory contains pages and blog posts in markdown files in their respective sub-directories, static is any static assets that need to be served, and src contains the majority of the sapper application.


Of note:

  • change the siteUrl in src/stores/_config.js
  • blog functionality is in src/routes/blog/
  • pages in src/routes/, other than the home page (index.svelte), are generated via [slug].json.js and [slug].svelte


This Sapper starter uses Rollup to provide code-splitting and dynamic imports, as well as compiling your Svelte components.


As it exists in this repo, you can export with npm run export and publish the contents of __sapper__/export.



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