Spotify Clone - Astro
🚀 Tecnologías
- Astro
- React
- Svelte
- Zustand
- Tailwind
🚀 Estructura
└── 📁src
└── 📁components
└── AsideMenu.astro
└── Card.astro
└── CardPlayButton.tsx
└── Greeting.svelte
└── MusicsTable.tsx
└── MusicsTablePlay.tsx
└── Player.tsx
└── PlayerControlButtonBar.tsx
└── PlayerCurrentSong.tsx
└── PlayerSoundControl.tsx
└── PlayerVolumeControl.tsx
└── PlayerVolumeIconComponent.tsx
└── PlayListItemCard.astro
└── SideMenuCard.astro
└── SideMenuItem.astro
└── Slider.tsx
└── 📁hooks
└── UseCurrentMusic.ts
└── 📁icons
└── Home.astro
└── index.ts
└── Library.astro
└── PauseIcon.tsx
└── PlayerIcons.tsx
└── PlayIcon.tsx
└── Search.astro
└── Time.astro
└── TimeIcon.tsx
└── VolumeIcons.tsx
└── VolumeSilenceIcon.tsx
└── 📁interfaces
└── cards.ts
└── index.ts
└── player.ts
└── store.ts
└── SVGProps.ts
└── 📁layouts
└── Layout.astro
└── 📁lib
└── colors.ts
└── data.ts
└── 📁pages
└── 📁api
└── get-info-playlist.js
└── index.astro
└── 📁playlist
└── [id].astro
└── 📁services
└── services.ts
└── 📁store
└── playerStore.ts
└── env.d.ts
Comandos |
Acciones |
npm install |
Installs dependencies |
npm run dev |
Starts local dev server at localhost:4321 |
npm run build |
Build your production site to ./dist/ |
npm run preview |
Preview your build locally, before deploying |
npm run astro ... |
Run CLI commands like astro add , astro check |
npm run astro -- --help |
Get help using the Astro CLI |