video-fullstack-sveltekit-datastax Svelte Themes

Video Fullstack Sveltekit Datastax

Video fullstack using SvelteKit (Svelte) with Bootstrap and DataStax

Fullstack app


In this tutorial you will learn how to build a fullstack app using SvelteKit (Svelte) with DataStax's cloud NoSQL database Astra DB. The features we will be building are:

  • list developers
  • create developer
  • filter developers

The web app will be a single page; with search at the top, followed by the form to create a developer, then below both of the forms will be a list of the saved developers. The web app will load the list of events over the RESTful API using a GET request, which is the same for the search form. When submitting a new event via the form, the web app will send a RESTful POST request to the API which will save the body of the POST request in the database.

By using these open source tools such as SvelteKit, Bootstrap, RESTful APIs and NoSQL database, you will be gaining a foundation for making most apps, allowing you to create your ideas into real projects.

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