
Avi Bowling Svelte

Front-end example project for fictional bowling business AVI Bowling

AVI Bowling

Front-end example project for fictional bowling business

Live site - https://avi-bowling.edburtnieks.now.sh/

Table of contents

Local development setup

Setting up local environment

  1. Clone / fork project and cd into it
  2. Every new change should be started from staging branch git checkout staging
  3. Install all dependencies npm install

To open development server localy run npm run dev and visit localhost:3000

To build the project for production run npm run build

To open production server localy run npm start

To check linting errors run npm run lint

Adding new feature

  1. Make sure you are on staging branch git branch
  2. Create new branch from staging branch git checkout -b <branch-name>
  3. Develop your new feature, improvement, bug-fix
  4. Add all necesarry files to staging git add <files>
  5. Make commit git commit
  6. Push changes on GitHub git push origin <branch-name>
  7. Create new pull request on GitHub setting base branch as staging and compare branch as <branch-name>

To get latest code changes locally run git pull origin staging while on staging or <branch-name> branch

To add all production ready features to master branch create new pull request on GitHub setting base branch as master and compare branch as staging

To deploy production ready code to live site run now


To test with cypress run npm run cy:open or npm run cy:run

New tests can be added in cypress/integration directory

Project documentation

Project documentation, Structure, Guidelines

Technologies and tools

Project boilerplate was generated using npx degit sveltejs/template command

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