App Mobil Android Ubuntu


used Use latest version for installation !!!

Install Android Studio from the app store

Install NodeJs and NPM :


  • Install NodeJs if not installed
    • Test with vesrion :
    • latest version in 02-07-2024 is v20.11.0
node -v

if not installed :

# On Ubuntu 22.04, we used the following command to install latest node
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Install npm if not installed
    • Test with version
    • latest version in 02-07-2024 is v12.09
npm -v

if not installed :

sudo apt install npm

OTHER POSSIBILITY for nodejs and npm

Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform (includes npm)

Install JDK

sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-21-jdk
  • To confirm JDK is installed correctly, run:
java --version
javac --version

Environnement Variable

Configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable for NativeScript to be able to find the Android SDK, and add the required tools to path.

Add the following lines to your shell profile, usually ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, or if you are using zsh then ~/.zshrc config file:

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools


Install the NativeScript CLI globally:

npm install -g nativescript

Verifying the environment​ To verify that the installation was successful, open a new Command Prompt window (to ensure the new environment variables are loaded) and run

ns doctor
# or for android only :
ns doctor android
# or for ios only :
ns doctor ios

Sometimes you need to install typescript in global :

npm install -g typescript


in local with Android

ns run android

in Nativescript

ns preview
# This is possibility for android
ns preview android
# This is possibility for ios
ns preview ios

Application Nativescript Preview

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