
Svelte Typescript Esbuild Bootstrap5

Svelte 3 + TypeScript + ESBuild + Bootstrap 5 + LiveReload Template

Svelte 3 + TypeScript + ESBuild + Bootstrap 5 + LiveReload Template

This repo contains a template to create a front-end application using Svelte 3 + TypeScript with ESBuild bundler and Bootstrap 5 Framework. Also have Livereaload feature!

Before you need

  • git (on windows, git for windows is recommended)
  • node.js: available for all major platforms here (the LTS version is recommended)

A good code editor is also recommended and this repo is designed around Visual Studio Code

I'm using ESLint for VS Code. If you don't want use ESLint rules, just delete .eslintrc.json. You can change rules whatever you want. If you want use, you must add lines below to VS Code settings.json

"eslint.validate": [


Note that if you have cloned this template repo via GitHub, then you'll need to change the URLs below to match your repo's name:

git clone
cd svelte3-typescript-esbuild-bootstrap5
npm install

# or
npx degit "ebolax/svelte3-typescript-esbuild-bootstrap5" myapp
cd myapp
npm install

Build and Run

The ./dist/index.html file contains a <script src="index.js"> tag, which means we need to create dist/index.js. The npm command npm run build tells ESBuild to create this bundle, starting with ./src/main.ts and including all its dependencies.

npm run dev

Builds the application to dist/index.js file and serve ./dist/index.html file on http://localhost:8000

Watch ./src and ./dist folders to serve the files locally for changes and live reload browser (you need livereload plugin for your browser).

npm run build

Builds the application and minify to dist/index.js. You must do it before you publish your web application.

npm run serve

It's just serve ./dist folder to test your web application.

npm run validate

Validate your svelte files (using svelte-check)

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