astro-docs-template Svelte Themes

Astro Docs Template

Modern documentation template built with Astro, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS. Clean design, full-text search, dark mode support, and responsive layout.

Modern Documentation Template

A sleek and modern documentation site template built with Astro, Svelte, and Tailwind CSS. Features a clean design, full-text search, dark mode support, and responsive layout.


  • šŸš€ Built with Astro - Fast, modern static site generation
  • āš”ļø Svelte Components - Interactive UI components with great DX
  • šŸŽØ Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
  • šŸ” MDX Support - Write content in MDX with component support
  • šŸ” Full-text Search - Fast client-side search with Fuse.js
  • šŸŒ™ Dark Mode - Elegant light and dark theme support
  • šŸ“± Responsive Design - Mobile-first, adaptive layout
  • šŸ§© Auto-generated Navigation - Sidebar structure from content
  • šŸŽÆ Priority-based Ordering - Fine-grained control over navigation order
  • šŸ“š Group Ordering - Define navigation group order in config

Quick Start

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate to the project
cd docs-template

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start development server
npm run dev

Project Structure

ā”œā”€ā”€ public/
ā”œā”€ā”€ src/
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ assets/
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ components/
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ content/
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ docs/
ā”‚   ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ config.ts
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ layouts/
ā”‚   ā”œā”€ā”€ pages/
ā”‚   ā””ā”€ā”€ styles/
ā”œā”€ā”€ astro.config.mjs
ā”œā”€ā”€ package.json
ā””ā”€ā”€ tsconfig.json

Adding Content

Content Files

Add your documentation content in MDX format under src/content/docs/:

title: Getting Started
description: Learn how to use our product
group: Overview
priority: 2

# Getting Started

Welcome to our documentation...

The sidebar navigation is automatically generated from your content structure. The order of navigation groups is defined in src/content/config.ts:

// Define groups in desired order
const groups = ['Overview', 'Foundations', 'Components'] as const

const docs = defineCollection({
  type: 'content',
  schema: z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    description: z.string(),
    group: z.enum(groups).optional(), // Groups will appear in the order defined above
    order: z.number().optional(),
    priority: z.number().optional(),

Each MDX file can include these frontmatter fields:

Field Type Required Description
title string Yes Page title
description string Yes Page description
group enum No Navigation group (must match config.ts groups)
priority number No Navigation order priority (higher = earlier)

The priority field gives you fine-grained control over page order within groups:

title: Home
group: Overview
priority: 1 # Appears first


title: Getting Started
group: Overview
priority: 2 # Appears second



title: Design Tokens
group: Overview
priority: 3 # Appears third


If priority is not set, items are sorted alphabetically by title.

Group Order

Groups appear in the order they're defined in config.ts. To change the order of navigation groups:

  1. Update the groups array in src/content/config.ts
  2. The sidebar will automatically reflect the new order
  3. TypeScript ensures group names in MDX files match the config



Customize colors, typography, and other design tokens in tailwind.config.mjs:

theme: {
  extend: {
    colors: {
      primary: {
        // Your color palette


Add or modify components in src/components/. The template uses Svelte for interactive components and Astro for page layout.


# Start development server
npm run dev

# Build for production
npm run build

# Preview production build
npm run preview


MIT License - feel free to use this template for your own documentation needs.

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