
A simple utility to trigger CSS animations on elements by calling a function

    import { createAnimationTriggerAction } from 'svelte-trigger-action';

    // create trigger and action
    const { triggerAnimation, animationAction } = createAnimationTriggerAction();

<button use:animationAction on:click={() => triggerAnimation('shake')}> shake me </button>


The CSS class that defines the animation can be specified in the following places:

  1. When creating trigger and action
const { triggerAnimation, animationAction } = createAnimationTriggerAction('shake'); // <- specified here

// in such case, trigger can be called without arguments:
  1. As a parameter to action:
    import { createAnimationTriggerAction } from 'svelte-trigger-action';

    // create trigger and action
    const { triggerAnimation, animationAction } = createAnimationTriggerAction();

<button use:animationAction={'shake'} onClick={triggerAnimation}> shake me </button>
  1. As a parameter to trigger function:
const { triggerAnimation, animationAction } = createAnimationTriggerAction();

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