sveltekit-starter Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Starter

A Sveltekit-based web application boilerplate

SvelteKit starter

A Svelte-based web application boilerplate.


  • SvelteKit using Svelte 3 for easier understanding for LLMs
  • Bun - JavaScript runtime & package manager
  • TailwindCSS - Utility-first CSS framework
  • Biome - Linter & formatter
  • DaisyUI - Component library
  • Pocketbase - Backend database

Getting Started

  • Prerequisites:
  1. Copy the environment example file: cp .env.example .env

  2. Edit .env file:

  • For local development: Set VITE_POCKETBASE_URL to your local PocketBase instance
  • For production: Set VITE_POCKETBASE_REMOTE_URL to your remote PocketBase URL
  1. Install dependencies: bun install


  • Start the development server: bun run dev
  • or open in a new browser tab: bun run dev -- --open


Create a production build: bun run build

Preview the production build: bun run preview

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