Assuming a fresh install (no node, no rust)
into reponvm install --lts
node -v
// should output something similar to
by runningnpm i -g yarn
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
// follow installation prompts, close and reopen terminal after install.
curl -sSf | sh
10. Yarn needs rust to be built at least once so it can cross reference dependencies in the monorepo. Run in the `packages/rust` directory
cd packages/rust
# build WebAssembly and Javascript wrappers using wasm-pack
# don't panic, this might take a few seconds
wasm-pack build --target web
# Then initialize yarn in the rust directory
# go back to the monorepo root directory
cd ../..
cargo install cargo-watch
yarn dev
This needs to work with a regular CI (ie: vercel/netlify/github pages). Will create a guide for this if there is enough demand for it.
If this gets enough attention, and there demand for it, I will create a template for sveltekit, and potentially for vue and react.