give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour Svelte Themes

Give Svelte Store Previous Behaviour

A wrapper for any Svelte Store instance that gives access to the previously set value.


A wrapper for any Svelte Store instance that gives access to the previously set value, using a style that follows familiar Svelte Store semantics.

@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour is used to log state changes in Fluent API Generator

It's a wrap

@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour does not instantiate a Store. Rather, it wraps an existing Store, leaving you with full control over how your Store is instantiated. This is important because:

  • You are not prevented from further adding your own augmentations to the Store, either before it has been given Previous Behaviour or after.

  • It allows you to apply other wrappers, too, such as @drtrt/give-svelte-store-persistence-behaviour.

This philosophy allows for a flexible, compositional approach, as is used in the core Svelte Store code that creates readable and derived Stores.


Once wrapped with Previous Behaviour, a Store gains three extra pieces of functionality:


Use of getPrevious follows the same pattern as Svelte's native Store get function:

import { writable, set, get } from "svelte/store";

import {
} from "@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour";

// Initialise a `writable` store and then wrap it:
const storeWithPrevious =

// Set the store to a new value:

// Use `get` to get the current value:
// Output: secondValue

// Use `getPrevious` to get the previous value:
// Output: firstValue

Additional points to consider for getPrevious:

  • Until the Store's value has changed at least once after initialisation, getPrevious will return undefined.
  • As per the Svelte guidance for using get, one would usually read the Previous Value by subscribing to the Store rather than using getPrevious.

Extra subscribe parameter

The Store's subscribe function will, in addition to its existing value parameter, gain an extra previousValue parameter:

import { writable } from "svelte/store";

import {
} from "@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour";

// Example function imported from a logging utility
import { logStateChange } from "./logging";

// Initialise a `writable` store, and then wrap it:
const storeWithPrevious =

// Use `subscribe` to log changes to state:
storeWithPrevious.subscribe((value, previousValue) =>
        storeName: "storeWithPrevious",
        from: value,
        to: previousValue

subscribe can still be used as normal:

storeWithPrevious.subscribe((value) =>`Store value changed to ${value}`));

Considerations for using subscribe:

  • Until the Store's value has changed at least once after initialisation, the previousValue parameter passed to subscribe will be undefined.


The Store will have an additional previousValueStore property that yields a Readable store containing the previous value. This is so you can use Reactive Bindings for the previous value, too:

    import { writable } from "svelte/store";

    import {
    } from "@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour";

    // Initialise a `writable` store, and then wrap it:
    const booleanStore =

    function flipBoolean() {
        booleanStore.update(x => !x);

    // Get `previousValueStore`
    const { previousValueStore } = booleanStore;

    Current Boolean Value is: {$booleanStore}

    Previous Boolean Value was: {$previousValueStore}

<button on:click={flipBoolean}>
    Flip Boolean

Further considerations for using previousValueStore:

  • Until the Store's value has changed at least once after initialisation, the value of previousValueStore will be undefined.
  • previousValueStore instantiation is optimized such that it is created when accessed, and not before.
  • previousValueStore can be retrieved before or after a store change; it will still hold the correct Previous Value at the time it is accessed.



npm install @drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour


yarn add @drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour

And then giveSvelteStorePreviousBehaviour can be used thusly:

ECMAScript Modules (ESM)

import { giveSvelteStorePreviousBehaviour } from "@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour";

CommonJS (CJS)

const { giveSvelteStorePreviousBehaviour } = require("@drtrt/give-svelte-store-previous-behaviour");


A full set of types is available for TypeScript consumers.

Full detail is available in the dedicated Types documentation.


Why did you spell 'behaviour' wrongly?

Answer: I didn't. 😉

Release History

The Change Log for this package is available in the GitHub Repo, here.

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