
svelte-class-transition is a very simple Svelte 3 component that allows you to do transitions using CSS classes.

You can find multiple examples with different use cases here:


Using yarn:

yarn add svelte-class-transition

Using npm:

npm install svelte-class-transition



Here's how it should be used:

    import Transition from 'svelte-class-transition';

    export let toggle;

    transitions="transition transform"
    inTransition="ease-out duration-1000"
    inState="opacity-0 -translate-x-16"
    onState="opacity-100 translate-x-0"
    outState="opacity-0 translate-x-16"
    outTransition="ease-in duration-1000"
    <!-- All the classes will be applied to the slot's main element, in this case, the div below -->


svelte-class-transition has several props for different use cases. All of them are optionnal but without any, the component won't do anything.


Type: boolean | undefined

Default value: undefined

The toggle property is where you'll store your toggling variable. If set to true the slot will be first visible, if set to false it will start hidden, you should note that there is no animation for the first state. On change of the property, the slot will animate according to the other props.

There is a possiblity to not set this property:

  • If the component has a parent (or grand*-parent) transition component, it will listen to its changes and react according to them. The parent (or grand*-parent) transition component will wait until all the animations are finished before being hidden.
  • If the component doesn't have a parent (or grand*-parent) transition component, it will show the slot with an animation once the DOM has fully loaded.


Type: string

Default value: ''

The inState property is the state from which the slot while come from when setting the toggle to true. If you want your component to go from opacity-0 to opacity-100, you should set inState to opacity-0.


Type: string

Default value: ''

The onState property is the state from which the slot while go to when setting the toggle to true. If you want your component to go from opacity-0 to opacity-100, you should set onState to opacity-100.


Type: string

Default value: inState

The outState property is the state from which the slot while go to when setting the toggle to false. If you want your component to go from opacity-100 to opacity-0, you should set outState to opacity-0. If you want the same inState and outState, you can skip this prop.


Type: string

Default value: ''

The inTransition property is the transition the slot will use after toggle has been set to true. You'll want to set here the transition, the easing, the duration and eventually the delay. For example it could be: transition ease-out duration-300.


Type: string

Default value: inTransition

The outTransition property is the transition the slot will use after toggle has been set to false. You'll want to set here the transition, the easing, the duration and eventually the delay. For example it could be: transform ease-in duration-200. If you want the same inTransition and outTransition, you can skip this prop.


Type: string

Default value: ''

The transitions property is where you'll regroup your common classes from inTranstion and outTransition, like for example the transition property. It's totally optionnal and doesn't change anything inside the component, it's here to make your code look cleaner.


Type: boolean

Default value: false

The offVisible property is where you'll define if the slot should be hidden when off or not.

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