drew-develops Svelte Themes

Drew Develops

My new portfolio for 2024 with refreshed styles, dark/light mode theme selector, expertise focus areas, and built with SvelteKit. Free to use and make your own portfolio from.

Drew Develops - Portfolio - 2024 version

Free to use and edit/make your own portfolio with, a star is appreciated in return ;)

All styles and functionality coded myself with the exception of the typing animation on the landing page (typed.js). This is an awesome package I'd recommend if you enjoy the effect.

Notable improvements from my previous portfolio:

  • Built with SvelteKit, allowing templating and in-line condtional rendering, and not hard-coding all template files like my previous portfolio.
  • Custom-built theme selector (Dark/Light mode) which is then persisted in browser state. This functionality also defaults the theme to what your device OS theme is set to!
  • Database and API integration using Supabase, which is a Postgres server that captures the form submissions for free (and ultimately should remain so unless I'm getting hundreds of submissions a day), in which case can simply be scaled with a push of a button.
  • Highlights technical expertise and my specific areas of focus, which was missing from my last portfolio.
  • Performance is significantly faster using SvelteKit's SSR while not compromising on SEO and accessibility.
  • Much cleaner, modern, and improved styling and aesthetic.

Install and run the app in local development

npm i
npm run dev

Building the app

npm run build

Previewing your built app

npm run preview

Deploying the app

I personally used and really enjoy CloudFlare pages. However, there are multiple different ways to deploy a SvelteKit with custom adapters, you can see them all here.

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