
A lightweight and simple GraphQL client for Svelte 🔥

Definitely a WIP, but it works!

Just discovered someone already uses the name svql 😢

This started as a attempt to port the graphql-hooks library to svelte. A lot of ideas and code borrowed from that library but simplified.

Example using Sapper

<script context="module">
  import { createClient, executeQuery } from "svelte-gql";

  const client = createClient({
    url: process.env.GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT,
    headers: {
      "x-hasura-admin-secret": process.env.HASURA_ACCESS_KEY

  const user = executeQuery();

  export async function preload() {
    return { user };

  import { setContext } from "svelte";

  setContext("client", client);

  const user_query = /* GraphQL */ `
    query {
      user {

  user.query(client, { query: user_query });

  {#if $user.fetching}
  {#if $}
    {#each $ as user}


  • Add mutations
  • Add methods to clear/invalidate cache
  • See if there's a way to use Svelte's context api instead of passing client instance to query function
  • Decide if I should use Graphql's Document AST and normalize data
  • Since the name svql is taken, decide on another name. For now it's just svelte-gql
  • Test, Test, Test

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