svelte-realtime-chat Svelte Themes

Svelte Realtime Chat

Real time chat app using Svelte and Supabase. Providing SASS for styling UI components. Supporting Vite Bundler at default.


A real-time chat app using Svelte and Supabase


npm install to initialize all dependencies

Supabase setup

Create a .env file with variables VITE_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL and VITE_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY (These can be located in your Supabase project under Settings > API)

Supabase project

Tables are pretty much simple and direct to the point (just to avoid using inner joins and all)

For the Global chat table | Field | Type | | -- | -- | | id (primary) | int8 | | username | varchar | |created_at|timestampz (default value is: now()| |message|text| |replied_to_id|int2| |replied_to_username|varchar| |replied_to_message|text|

For the users table | Field | Type | | -- | -- | | id (primary) | int8 | |created_at|timestampz (default value is: now()| |username|varchar|

Developing and building

Start development server npm run dev and npm run build

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