
Miia Web

a web client for Hydrus Network

Miia Web!

a web client for Hydrus

Open the webapp at: https://miia.website

This project came about as a way to browse your local Hydrus Client on your phone.

For Users

⚠ This app is in early alpha. Expect jank and things to change without warning. The app currently only read from your Hydrus Client but this will change in the future. No analytics are collected and the site has no external dependencies.


  • Search your Hydrus Client for tags from a webapp
  • Caches all your searches and files so you can browse any files you previously viewed when Hydrus Client isn't turned on
  • No personal data or analytics are sent anywhere
    • Any future in-app recommendations will be optional and generated by and kept locally in your browser

Planned Features

  • Open video files
  • Properly handle file downloading
  • Remember your searches to provide recommendations
  • Automatically cache files from searches even if you don't look at them
  • View open pages from Hydrus Client and browse files from there
  • Basic tag editing
  • Suggest tags or combinations of tags to uncover intersting files using a browser IndexedDB
  • And more!

Getting Started

Miia Web is an in-browser app that connects to your already-installed Hydrus instance via the Hydrus Client API. To get started, you'll need to:

  1. Enable the Client API inside Hydrus
    • Services / Manage Services / client api / edit
    • Allow non-local connections if you want to access it from another computer or your phone
    • Support CORS headers
    • Enable HTTPS
  2. Find the Local IP address of your computer
    • Windows: Open Powershell or CMD.exe and run ipconfig
    • OSX/*nix: Usually run ifconfig
    • Them, look for the address for the network adapter you use to connect to your home network. The address might look like
    • You can test it by navigating to https://your-ip:45869. You'll know if it works if you get some ASCII art
  3. Open Miia Web and connect to https://your-ip:45869
    • You'll need to manually trust the hydrus self-signed HTTPS certificate by going to https://your-ip:45869 directly in your browser and trusting the connection
      • The setup process walks you through this now
  4. Generate an API Key from Hydrus
    • services / review Services / local / client api
    • Click add then from api request
    • Inside Miia Web, click Request Key
    • Inside Hydrus, you should see a popup saying Got request!
    • Add a name to your key and ensure that at least search for files is checked. Future version of Miia Web might be able to do more
      • Click Apply
    • Inside Miia Web, click Validate Key
  5. Congrats! Your browser will store that info locally next time you want to connect.

For Developers (and the tech-inclined)

If you'd like to contribute or run your own version of the hosted webapp, keep reading.

Running the project

This project relies on Node.js newer than 10.x for building its HTML, CSS, and Javascript pages.

This project is based on Sapper which is a framework for compiling reactive javascript without a virtual DOM like React or Vue.

You can install dependencies and run the project in development mode with:

cd ~/your-projects-folder
git clone https://github.com/dpongimo/miia-web.git
cd miia-mini
npm install
npm run dev

Open up localhost:3000 and start clicking around.

Consult sapper.svelte.dev for help getting started.


Sapper expects to find two directories in the root of your project — src and static .


The src directory contains the entry points for your app — client.js , server.js and (optionally) a service-worker.js — along with a template.html file and a routes directory.


This is the heart of your Sapper app. There are two kinds of routes — pages, and server routes.

Pages are Svelte components written in .svelte files. When a user first visits the application, they will be served a server-rendered version of the route in question, plus some JavaScript that 'hydrates' the page and initialises a client-side router. From that point forward, navigating to other pages is handled entirely on the client for a fast, app-like feel. (Sapper will preload and cache the code for these subsequent pages, so that navigation is instantaneous.)

Server routes are modules written in .js files, that export functions corresponding to HTTP methods. Each function receives Express request and response objects as arguments, plus a next function. This is useful for creating a JSON API, for example.

There are three simple rules for naming the files that define your routes:

  • A file called src/routes/about.svelte corresponds to the /about route. A file called src/routes/blog/[slug].svelte corresponds to the /blog/:slug route, in which case params.slug is available to the route
  • The file src/routes/index.svelte (or src/routes/index.js ) corresponds to the root of your app. src/routes/about/index.svelte is treated the same as src/routes/about.svelte .
  • Files and directories with a leading underscore do not create routes. This allows you to colocate helper modules and components with the routes that depend on them — for example you could have a file called src/routes/_helpers/datetime.js and it would not create a /_helpers/datetime route


The static directory contains any static assets that should be available. These are served using sirv.

In your service-worker.js file, you can import these as files from the generated manifest...

import {
} from '@sapper/service-worker';

...so that you can cache them (though you can choose not to, for example if you don't want to cache very large files).

Bundler config

Sapper uses Rollup or webpack to provide code-splitting and dynamic imports, as well as compiling your Svelte components. With webpack, it also provides hot module reloading. As long as you don't do anything daft, you can edit the configuration files to add whatever plugins you'd like.

Production mode and deployment

To start a production version of your app, run npm run build && npm start . This will disable live reloading, and activate the appropriate bundler plugins.

You can deploy your application to any environment that supports Node 10 or above. As an example, to deploy to Vercel Now when using sapper export , run these commands:

npm install -g vercel

If your app can't be exported to a static site, you can use the now-sapper builder. You can find instructions on how to do so in its README.

Using external components

When using Svelte components installed from npm, such as @sveltejs/svelte-virtual-list, Svelte needs the original component source (rather than any precompiled JavaScript that ships with the component). This allows the component to be rendered server-side, and also keeps your client-side app smaller.

Because of that, it's essential that the bundler doesn't treat the package as an external dependency. You can either modify the external option under server in rollup.config.js or the externals option in webpack.config.js, or simply install the package to devDependencies rather than dependencies , which will cause it to get bundled (and therefore compiled) with your app:

npm install -D @sveltejs/svelte-virtual-list

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