homepage_beta Svelte Themes


beta website for homepage app (svelte)

Homepage App 2020

A simplistic homepage with functionality to customize the experience to each user

This app was created with:

  • Html
  • Css (css-grid and flex)
  • Javascript using the Svelte compiler


  • Asks for user location to give the user's weather info
  • Temperature conversion Fahrenheit/Celcius on click and saves to local storage
  • Weather icon changes depending on the weather api description for their area
  • Clock switches between digital and analog on click and saves to local storage
  • Focus input at top adds focus to page and stores in local storage until changed
  • Todo list and shopping list are changeable with a switch button
  • Shopping and todo list are stored in local storage until removed
  • Checkbox does not remove items from lists so they can be reused
  • Day of the week is highlighted and emphasized under the date
  • Links to commonly used sites that can be scrolled using the arrows
  • Fixed background for unique styling when changing screen sizes or scrolling

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