Svelte Components for Onsen UI

Onsen UI is a UI component library for hybrid mobile apps. It provides components for navigation, forms, tabs, Material Design, infinite lists and much more.

It can be used to build hybrid apps with Cordova and PhoneGap but can also run in the browser.

Visit the Discord channel for questions and updates on OnsenUI.

Work in progress

Note that the Svelte component package is still a work in progress and not all components are yet available or documented. See the Contribution section below if you would like to help work on completing the Svelte components.

Using Svelte components with Onsen UI

The easiest way to use these components is by installing them through npm and using Vite.


To create a new Svelte app with Onsen UI components.

npm init vite@latest app-dir
cd app-dir
npm install

To add onsenui and svelte-onsenui to a svelte app:

npm i onsenui svelte-onsenui
npm run dev

Import the Svelte components and OnsenUI library and css files.

// src/App.svelte
    import ons from 'onsenui/js/onsenui.min.js';                    // import the OnsenUI library
    import 'onsenui/css/onsenui.min.css';                                    // css for Onsen components (ons-input)
    import 'onsenui/css/onsen-css-components.min.css';        // css for Osnen classes    (.notification)

    // import { Page, Card, Button, Toolbar } from 'svelte-onsenui';
    import Card from 'svelte-onsenui/src/components/Card.svelte';
    import Page from 'svelte-onsenui/src/components/Page.svelte';
    import Button from 'svelte-onsenui/src/components/Button.svelte';
    import Toolbar from 'svelte-onsenui/src/components/Toolbar.svelte';

    <Toolbar slot='toolbar'>
        <div class='center'>Onsen UI</div>
            <div style="text-align: center">
                <p>This is Onsen UI with Svelte</p>
                <Button id="push-button" on:click={()=>{
                    ons.notification.toast('Hello world!', { timeout: 2000 });
                }}>Say hello</Button>


Contributions to the development of this package are welcome. If you would like to help with development, please open an issue or do a pull request.

mkdir svelte-onsenui
cd svelte-onsenui
git clone
npm install

Test your changes and view the demo examples by running the following commands and opening a browser at http://localhost:3100/.

cd examples
npm run dev

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